
Friday, 1 March 2013


Assalamualaikum, *sila jawab dalam hati and greetings to all.

What would you do if your mom...

"Yan! angkat kain" if saya tak buat..."Yan,kan mak pesan setiap petang angkat kain!"
"Yan! tolong buang sampah!"
"Yan! tolong tutup air kat dalam bilik air"
"Yan! tolong masak nasi" "cek betul-betul current tu on ke off"

...keep asking you to do something/chores, while you're having a good time with your laptop?

Believe me, kalau mak saya sebut nama tu, bergema satu rumah. What to do? I'm the sister in the house. Since I'm not a solehah-type-daughter, honestly but sometimes. "Sekejap!" that's my answer, akhirnya tak buat pon, kahkahkah :D terutama mak suruh time tengah malas? time tengah landing atas katil guling-guling, time tengah facebooking, and mostly time tengah ushar profile crush *eh eh

Apa yang korang buat? this question remind me to my friend, Sarah or we called her imam rock sebab dia selalu jadi imam dan dia rockzz (v^__^v). She once ask me the same question...a far soooooo looooong ago...

"buat lambat-lambat sometimes tak buat pon" then I ask her why she's asking such a question?
"Mhm, kalau kite malas,kite akan buat benda tu cepat-cepat" Sarah cakap.

I think and I learned from her :) Since that kalau rasa malas nak buat kerja rumah, saya akan buat cepat-cepat. Thanks Imam rockzzz.