Alhamdulillah for today :)
Penat yang teramat penat bila berjalan dengan mereka. Macam-macam kerenah mereka yang ntahapehape terpaksa dilayan. Namun mereka lah sahabat yang mengisi hari-hari aku. Mhm, I can't stop from sniffing my hand cause it smells like jelly bean. Yes! I just bought it! Mae dengan Nunul says it smell like antibiotic yang ubat untuk kanak-kanak tu. It is at first, tapi lama-lama it really smell like sweet candy. Irfan pun cakap begitu tau!
Kami ke Times Square just to buy Cool Blog and Share Tea. We're really look like six girls that playing truancy because we're in school uniform. It's so odd and people looking us like...pandang serong? something like that. Takpelah mungkin itu cuma perasaanku sahaja. Dan siap kena perli di dalam lif "form berapa?" kami menjawab dengan jujur "Form 5" He just smiling and 'Bagus' came out of his mouth. Sah-sah kena perli kan? Pengajarannya, I'm not ever going to wear school uniform anymore if nak jalan mana-mana.
And I should not going out after this cause SPM is just around the corner. I just want to have a relationship with book. Yeah, I like the idea! Credit to Jannah for the idea: sifat malas tu macam kentut :) but when I think about it again, macam tak kena je...
Friday, 4 October 2013
Sunday, 8 September 2013
September: Studying
'Start to study guys, there's a lot to catch up'
(note to myself)
The result is not so good, especially in physics,chemistry and biology :( and I failed in Addmaths. I don't have any idea what to do now. Maybe I should stop playing and start the revision !! Yeah, I have to!
This is really serious beb!
because I really it....badly
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Feeling of Depression
Assalamualaikum :)
Its coming again : feeling of depression
Yeahh, I'm okay now :)
I just need to take a deep breath and
slowly exhale...
Maybe this is due to hormonal case :)
Laying on the bed
Check out facebook/blogging/etc
a cup of coffee
then, i'll be much better and relax
after a long hard day :D
Thursday, 18 July 2013
Faithful enough?
Assalamualaikum dear friends :)
Perempuan memang tak setia in having just one shoes, rite? They keep wanting new shoes, even the older one is still in good condition. this is really happening to my mom. I got frustrated sometimes.The funny thing here is that when she find it not suit her anymore, "yan, kaki mak sakit la pakai kasut ni, yan nak tak?" and my face was like " mom, my kaki is bigger than yours, how can?" padahal kasut baru beli semalam ==' SEMALAM.
But not for me, I am really faithful with just one shoe, It is not the time yet to buy shoes, I just need to find the perfect one. the one that 'destined' just for me. dah macam cari calon suami la pulak dah :D till then I'll just wear the one that I have :)
Perempuan memang tak setia in having just one shoes, rite? They keep wanting new shoes, even the older one is still in good condition. this is really happening to my mom. I got frustrated sometimes.The funny thing here is that when she find it not suit her anymore, "yan, kaki mak sakit la pakai kasut ni, yan nak tak?" and my face was like " mom, my kaki is bigger than yours, how can?" padahal kasut baru beli semalam ==' SEMALAM.
But not for me, I am really faithful with just one shoe, It is not the time yet to buy shoes, I just need to find the perfect one. the one that 'destined' just for me. dah macam cari calon suami la pulak dah :D till then I'll just wear the one that I have :)
Salam Ramadhan to all my friends and precious family :)
it's not to late rite to say happy fasting?
Honestly I can't wait to wear baju raya!
haha so childish ^__^
baru 9 hari puasa.
Monday, 24 June 2013
My new favorite
Assalamualaikum :)
I got obsesses with beauty product lately especially Hello Kitty...and I found this yesterday... Hello Kitty: Honey Strawberry Mask. I don't know, it's good or not, I can't wait to try it because there are many positive review. I randomly buying this because the packaging is so cute. Haha
Next, I got confused when I have to choose lip balm, there are many options. I easily attracted with lip ice packaging. It just so cute and girlish. Lastly I've decided to choose Organic:Raspberry and Strawberry because I prefer natural one.
Later I got fascinated by ice-cream. No, not that ice cream. There are shower cream inside the ice cream! I thought i wanna give it as birthday present to my friend, but later at home I've decided to keep it as one of my feveret , sorry Mae.
Sasatinnie Jelly Bean Hand Lotion. I really wanted to try this because I've heard that the smell so yummy.
Mhhmm, seems like I have to savings :)
I got obsesses with beauty product lately especially Hello Kitty...and I found this yesterday... Hello Kitty: Honey Strawberry Mask. I don't know, it's good or not, I can't wait to try it because there are many positive review. I randomly buying this because the packaging is so cute. Haha
Next, I got confused when I have to choose lip balm, there are many options. I easily attracted with lip ice packaging. It just so cute and girlish. Lastly I've decided to choose Organic:Raspberry and Strawberry because I prefer natural one.
Later I got fascinated by ice-cream. No, not that ice cream. There are shower cream inside the ice cream! I thought i wanna give it as birthday present to my friend, but later at home I've decided to keep it as one of my feveret , sorry Mae.
Sasatinnie Jelly Bean Hand Lotion. I really wanted to try this because I've heard that the smell so yummy.
Mhhmm, seems like I have to savings :)
Friday, 3 May 2013
Assalamualaikum :)
My life is getting busy right now. Since I have decided to take an art subject, I have to endured the pain in completing the folio. What to do? I can't even hate it. It's my choice! Just take a depth breath...and relax...I'll always remember that after each difficulties there is a relief.
I should not bother what they are talking about me taking an art subject. Why should I? *actually I do care about what they are saying...
I got really stressed this few weeks because there are lots of homework to do and I don't know what to do first. I do feeling guilty towards them who I used to call before but seriously my life now..
ohh I miss the time when I'm watching my favourite Korean drama, I miss the time when every evening I would sitting at the dine table and looking the beautiful sky through the window while having a cup of tea and...
I miss the time when I don't have to fake smile :)
*oh my english terabur
My life is getting busy right now. Since I have decided to take an art subject, I have to endured the pain in completing the folio. What to do? I can't even hate it. It's my choice! Just take a depth breath...and relax...I'll always remember that after each difficulties there is a relief.
I should not bother what they are talking about me taking an art subject. Why should I? *actually I do care about what they are saying...
I got really stressed this few weeks because there are lots of homework to do and I don't know what to do first. I do feeling guilty towards them who I used to call before but seriously my life now..
ohh I miss the time when I'm watching my favourite Korean drama, I miss the time when every evening I would sitting at the dine table and looking the beautiful sky through the window while having a cup of tea and...
I miss the time when I don't have to fake smile :)
*oh my english terabur
Friday, 12 April 2013
There was a time when they're looking at me; She's studying. But deep inside me; I'm crying, I felt like crying " Perhaps someone could be my crying shoulders?"
I'm fine. I'm just not happy like before. I will not cry :)
Monday, 1 April 2013
"I don't want to go to school" the first thing I say when I'm opened my eyes early monday, especially today. Since, I'm not so well. 6.30 am my mother wake me up to school, I'm not wake up at first but then my dad voice really make us quickly got up. It's already 7 am and I'm not in school uniform yet, ahh I didn't finish my homework...ahh I didn't look today timetable...
But still I'm going to school, walk in confidently padahal dalam hati "Kerja sekolah tak siap lagi wei!" then I'll promised to myself " If I have one more day/free time I will finish all the homeworks given to me" know? you should not trust me. Haha
Although I didn't finish my homework, I'm still doing school that's why I'm safe selalunya, Alhamdulillah. Walaupun pernah tak siapkan kerja BI dan kami sekelas pun beramai-ramai lah membuat rombongan ala-ala rombongan nak pergi bercuti ke bilik Cikgu Zainudin.
Luckily, nunul has come back to school yeayy! I'm glad . Later...when we're going to makmal BIO or library?
Nunul: wei, mungkin lepas ni aku dah tak sekolah kat sini
Afrina: ye ke?
Nunul: a'ah aku kena pindah Sg. Buloh
Afrina: wei, betul ke? aku nak nangis ni ;'(
Nunul: April Fool!! XD
Afrina: wei, nul aku dah nak nangis dah ni ;'(
It is no fun at school since I'm not 100 percent well-being, early in the morning, I thought today going to be fag day ever, but they'll make my day.
Friday, 1 March 2013
Assalamualaikum, *sila jawab dalam hati and greetings to all.
What would you do if your mom...
"Yan! angkat kain" if saya tak buat..."Yan,kan mak pesan setiap petang angkat kain!"
"Yan! tolong buang sampah!"
"Yan! tolong tutup air kat dalam bilik air"
"Yan! tolong masak nasi" "cek betul-betul current tu on ke off"
...keep asking you to do something/chores, while you're having a good time with your laptop?
Believe me, kalau mak saya sebut nama tu, bergema satu rumah. What to do? I'm the sister in the house. Since I'm not a solehah-type-daughter, honestly but sometimes. "Sekejap!" that's my answer, akhirnya tak buat pon, kahkahkah :D terutama mak suruh time tengah malas? time tengah landing atas katil guling-guling, time tengah facebooking, and mostly time tengah ushar profile crush *eh eh
Apa yang korang buat? this question remind me to my friend, Sarah or we called her imam rock sebab dia selalu jadi imam dan dia rockzz (v^__^v). She once ask me the same question...a far soooooo looooong ago...
"buat lambat-lambat sometimes tak buat pon" then I ask her why she's asking such a question?
"Mhm, kalau kite malas,kite akan buat benda tu cepat-cepat" Sarah cakap.
I think and I learned from her :) Since that kalau rasa malas nak buat kerja rumah, saya akan buat cepat-cepat. Thanks Imam rockzzz.
What would you do if your mom...
"Yan! angkat kain" if saya tak buat..."Yan,kan mak pesan setiap petang angkat kain!"
"Yan! tolong buang sampah!"
"Yan! tolong tutup air kat dalam bilik air"
"Yan! tolong masak nasi" "cek betul-betul current tu on ke off"
...keep asking you to do something/chores, while you're having a good time with your laptop?
Believe me, kalau mak saya sebut nama tu, bergema satu rumah. What to do? I'm the sister in the house. Since I'm not a solehah-type-daughter, honestly but sometimes. "Sekejap!" that's my answer, akhirnya tak buat pon, kahkahkah :D terutama mak suruh time tengah malas? time tengah landing atas katil guling-guling, time tengah facebooking, and mostly time tengah ushar profile crush *eh eh
Apa yang korang buat? this question remind me to my friend, Sarah or we called her imam rock sebab dia selalu jadi imam dan dia rockzz (v^__^v). She once ask me the same question...a far soooooo looooong ago...
"buat lambat-lambat sometimes tak buat pon" then I ask her why she's asking such a question?
"Mhm, kalau kite malas,kite akan buat benda tu cepat-cepat" Sarah cakap.
I think and I learned from her :) Since that kalau rasa malas nak buat kerja rumah, saya akan buat cepat-cepat. Thanks Imam rockzzz.
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Test week
Assalamualaikum and greetings to all.
Test week. This is the only reason why I rela sacrifices my sleep time. This is the week that I willing study bermati-matian kononnya. Sanggup stay up sampai pagi, dengan hanya ditemani a cup of nescafe to keep me up.
Though, it is not enough, imagine you have to cover up all form 4 chapters. What am I regretting now is I'm not perform well in my test yet I have to accept that 'It is all my fault' *sobsob but...
It is better that way...daripada I have to face the situation where the blur penyakit datang waktu tengok soalan @_@. Yeah, I'm not too smart to answer all the questions but at least I know what I have been done. Every time I could not answer the question, then I know, howsilly less clever I am. Ya, it is better that way...and I believed,
Times passes very fast till...I didn't realized that, tomorrow is the last day for the first test, I'm gonna sit for addmaths paper. Alhamdulillah. And the fact is 6 November 2013 getting closer!
I'm gonna miss the week where I have to stay up till early morning, *I could not believe I'm saying this
Test week. This is the only reason why I rela sacrifices my sleep time. This is the week that I willing study bermati-matian kononnya. Sanggup stay up sampai pagi, dengan hanya ditemani a cup of nescafe to keep me up.
Though, it is not enough, imagine you have to cover up all form 4 chapters. What am I regretting now is I'm not perform well in my test yet I have to accept that 'It is all my fault' *sobsob but...
It is better that way...daripada I have to face the situation where the blur penyakit datang waktu tengok soalan @_@. Yeah, I'm not too smart to answer all the questions but at least I know what I have been done. Every time I could not answer the question, then I know, how
After each difficulties, there is a relief
Times passes very fast till...I didn't realized that, tomorrow is the last day for the first test, I'm gonna sit for addmaths paper. Alhamdulillah. And the fact is 6 November 2013 getting closer!
I'm gonna miss the week where I have to stay up till early morning, *I could not believe I'm saying this
Saturday, 23 February 2013
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
We just love food
Assalamualaikum w.b.t and greetings to all
Bila aku makan epal, aku ingat epal yang Jannah bagi time exam dulu, bau epal tu sedap sangat. Jannah bagi aku epal tu, sampai kat rumah aku sayang nak makan b'coz I just love the 'perfume' that came from the apple. Jannah kata epal tu tak manis,aku tak tau la sebab aku pergi perap buah epal tu lama-lama dekat rak buku sampai....satu hari tu aku jumpa epal Jannah yang aku tak confident nak makan dah
*sorry Jannah :P
Sejak tu setiap kali aku nak makan epal, mesti aku ambik bau dulu. Bau epal yang aku makan sekarang tak sama dengan yang Jannah bagi. Aku rindu epal Jannah yang bau wangi tu....or maybe...aku rindu macaroon Jannah.
Hash Brown . KFC . Subway. Pizza Hut. Tutti Frutti. McD
Monday, 28 January 2013
Bagi sahabat yang kehilangan :)
Assalamualaikum w.b.t and greetings to all :)
Apabila kita diuji dengan kehilangan, kematian...ingatlah
Apabila kita diuji dengan kehilangan, kematian...ingatlah
Tiap-tiap yang bernyawa pasti akan merasai mati.
Kami akan menguji kamu dengan keburukan dan kebaikan sebagai cubaan
(yang sebenar-benarnya) Dan
hanya kepada Kamilah kamu dikembalikan.
From a hadith Qudsi, from sahih Bukhari,
'My faithful servant's reward from Me,
If I have taken to Me his best friends
from amongst the inhabitants of the world
and he has than borne it patiently for My Sake,
shall be nothing less than PARADISE
Betul. It is easier said than done :) Tabah. Sabar. Ayat yang orang selalu sebut untuk tenangkan hati orang lain, memang susah bagi yang orang yang menanggung tu untuk tabah dan sabar. Tapi Allah selalu ada untuk orang-orang yang tabah dan sabar. Life must go on ^^
Monday, 21 January 2013
Sungai-sungai Syurga
Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Alhamdulillah, tahun ni saya rajin review tafsir, since sharing is caring, saya nak share betapa nikmatnya syurga yang Allah telah janjikan :) SubhanAllah.
Alhamdulillah, tahun ni saya rajin review tafsir, since sharing is caring, saya nak share betapa nikmatnya syurga yang Allah telah janjikan :) SubhanAllah.
Perumpamaan taman syurga yang dijanjikan kepada orang-orang yang bertakwa;
di sana ada sungai yang airnya tidak payau,
dan sungai-sungai air susu yang tidak berubah rasanya,
dan sungai-sungai khamar(anggur yang tidak memabukkan)
yang lazat rasanya bagi peminumnya,
dan sungai-sungai madu yang murni.
Di dalamnya mereka memperoleh segala macam buah-buahan,
dan ampunan dari Tuhan mereka.
Samakah mereka dengan orang yang kekal di dalam neraka,
dan diberi minuman dengan air yang mendidih,
sehinggga ususnya terpotong-potong?
(surah Muhammad; 15)
Saturday, 19 January 2013
Saya nak jadi orang yang bersyukur!
Assalamualaikum w.b.t
"Bersyukurlah dengan apa yang kita ada, atau kita terpaksa bersyukur dengan apa yang kita dapat"
Pernah tak kita melihat seseorang itu, dan betapa kita nak jadi seperti dia...saya pernah...itulah saya, seorang manusia yang tak bersyukur. Tapi ianya sesuatu yang tak boleh dikawal. Perasaan dengki, iri hati, saya rasa semua ni, dari sini, saya sedari hakikat saya belum menjadi manusia yang baik seperti orang lain selalu cakap "Azyan kan baik,"
Kata-kata tu macam satu...boleh dikatakan harapan...harapan orang lain yang mengharapkan saya menjadi seorang yang baik. Saya sebenarnya tak boleh terima kata-kata tu sebab...saya tau diri saya macam mana...saya tak baik macam apa yang orang lain fikirkan...saya masih seorang manusia yang lemah, yang selalu putus asa, yang tak boleh tengok orang lain lebih dari saya, yang selalu pandang rendah pada orang lain, yang pentingkan diri sendiri. I feel bad.
Saya jealous dengan one of my friend b'coz of some reason, tapi one day ada a guy ni cakap kat saya dia nak jadi macam saya, and I was like...huh? apa yang aku ada? what he mean is dia maybe nak jadi pandai macam saya...what I wanna laugh here is dia ingat kan saya anak pok cik kayo(bak kata afrina)...but actually I'm not! dan paling I terkejutzz, dia nak ada family macam I have.....hmmm, dia tak tau lagi my real family was like what, but no matter what I love them endlessly.
Saya nak jadi orang lain, tapi orang lain nak jadi macam saya....maybe I need to discover more about myself. Setiap orang ada kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing. Tapi kalau semua orang sama, mana nak special nya, betul tak?? Everyone is special in their own way. Tak perlu nak jadi seperti orang lain dan tak perlu nak ikut orang lain. Jadi bersyukurlah, In sha Allah bahagia . Keep calm and stay cool.
"Bersyukurlah dengan apa yang kita ada, atau kita terpaksa bersyukur dengan apa yang kita dapat"
Pernah tak kita melihat seseorang itu, dan betapa kita nak jadi seperti dia...saya pernah...itulah saya, seorang manusia yang tak bersyukur. Tapi ianya sesuatu yang tak boleh dikawal. Perasaan dengki, iri hati, saya rasa semua ni, dari sini, saya sedari hakikat saya belum menjadi manusia yang baik seperti orang lain selalu cakap "Azyan kan baik,"
Kata-kata tu macam satu...boleh dikatakan harapan...harapan orang lain yang mengharapkan saya menjadi seorang yang baik. Saya sebenarnya tak boleh terima kata-kata tu sebab...saya tau diri saya macam mana...saya tak baik macam apa yang orang lain fikirkan...saya masih seorang manusia yang lemah, yang selalu putus asa, yang tak boleh tengok orang lain lebih dari saya, yang selalu pandang rendah pada orang lain, yang pentingkan diri sendiri. I feel bad.
Saya jealous dengan one of my friend b'coz of some reason, tapi one day ada a guy ni cakap kat saya dia nak jadi macam saya, and I was like...huh? apa yang aku ada? what he mean is dia maybe nak jadi pandai macam saya...what I wanna laugh here is dia ingat kan saya anak pok cik kayo(bak kata afrina)...but actually I'm not! dan paling I terkejutzz, dia nak ada family macam I have.....hmmm, dia tak tau lagi my real family was like what, but no matter what I love them endlessly.
Saya nak jadi orang lain, tapi orang lain nak jadi macam saya....maybe I need to discover more about myself. Setiap orang ada kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing. Tapi kalau semua orang sama, mana nak special nya, betul tak?? Everyone is special in their own way. Tak perlu nak jadi seperti orang lain dan tak perlu nak ikut orang lain. Jadi bersyukurlah, In sha Allah bahagia . Keep calm and stay cool.
“Ya Robb-ku, berilah aku ilham untuk tetap mensyukuri nikmat-Mu yang telah engkau anugerahkan kepadaku dan kepada kedua orang ibu bapakku, dan untuk mengerjakan amal soleh yang Engkau redhai. Dan masukkanlah aku dengan rahmat-Mu ke dalam golongan hamba-hamba-Mu yang soleh.” QS. An Naml : 19.
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
Jauh di mata, dekat di hati :)
Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Akhirnya, i have to accept that, she will go.
"packing away all the things, and return to the old house. Gonna miss u frens :')" Jannahlee Samser
Sekarang baru saya rasa this kind of feeling yang tak tau macam mana nak describe rasa sedih kehilangan seorang kawan yang sangat-sangat-sangat rapat dengan kita.
And now saya baru rasa, apa yang kak cik rasa, dulu masa saya tengok muka sedih dia bila saya cakap saya nak pindah saya tak faham kenapa dia perlu rasa sedih.
I though masa tu saya adalah orang yang paling sedih. Tapi sebenarnya tak. Rasa sedih tu tak sama.Saya tanya kak cik, apa patut saya buat? apa yang dia rasa? Macam mana dia hadapi kehilangan saya, and she say...
"burung kene terbang jauh2, bru dapat makanan yang dia nakkan. samalah gan dia, ini peluang dia untuk tambah kenalan.. " ramai kawan, luas pengalaman, eh bukan jauh perjalanan luas pengalaman ke kak cik? Okay takpe, pun boleh :p
"kak cik kena terima sebab ini yang membuatkan kak cik lebih menghargai persahabatan kita lebih dari orang lain,.."
Akhirnya, i have to accept that, she will go.
"packing away all the things, and return to the old house. Gonna miss u frens :')" Jannahlee Samser
Sekarang baru saya rasa this kind of feeling yang tak tau macam mana nak describe rasa sedih kehilangan seorang kawan yang sangat-sangat-sangat rapat dengan kita.
And now saya baru rasa, apa yang kak cik rasa, dulu masa saya tengok muka sedih dia bila saya cakap saya nak pindah saya tak faham kenapa dia perlu rasa sedih.
I though masa tu saya adalah orang yang paling sedih. Tapi sebenarnya tak. Rasa sedih tu tak sama.Saya tanya kak cik, apa patut saya buat? apa yang dia rasa? Macam mana dia hadapi kehilangan saya, and she say...
"burung kene terbang jauh2, bru dapat makanan yang dia nakkan. samalah gan dia, ini peluang dia untuk tambah kenalan.. " ramai kawan, luas pengalaman, eh bukan jauh perjalanan luas pengalaman ke kak cik? Okay takpe, pun boleh :p
"kak cik kena terima sebab ini yang membuatkan kak cik lebih menghargai persahabatan kita lebih dari orang lain,.."
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Az, Jan, Tikah |
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Gonna miss you jannah, :') |
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Kak cik, Seriously, can never forget her. Kita bertemu kerana Allah, kita bersahabat kerana Allah, kita berpisah kerana Allah. (ingat ni!) |
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